Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Mighty and Most Collegiate River

Right up there is the stream that runs behind my apartment building in Maryland. I say "stream" because, on most days, it really is barely more than a trickle of ugly brown water. On my way to a meeting in the building, however, I noticed that this once puny creek had swelled into a quickly-flowing river of Mississippian proportions.

I exaggerate.

It was, however, quite impressive to see the water level so high. This is due to the massive amounts of rain Maryland has been getting recently, as opposed to the almost zero amount of rain we've gotten up in New Jersey. The river was so high, and the water was flowing so quickly, that honest-to-goodness rapids were forming!
Pictured: Honest-to-goodness rapids. Or...rapid, singular.

I apologize for no post yesterday; I did take a picture, but it was with my cell phone, and I left my memory card adapter at home (foolishly thinking I would only use my camera to take pictures).

Bis morgen!


  1. Holy cow! That's some serious water rapiding over there. Did you bring your boots? Are you going to play Poohsticks????

  2. No boots - no more room in my bag! Ooooooo I should've! When I move in in January we can play poohsticks then :-)
