Ok, it was in the kitchen, not on the veranda. We don't have a veranda. At least I think we don't. I'm not really sure what a veranda is, so we could actually have one for all I know. But I'm pretty sure we don't.
High tea came about after I developed a craving for scones. I was trolling about the internet, happily looking up places to eat for cheaps in London, when I came across a list of places that served tea (not for cheaps), complete with pictures of scones and all the other delicious accoutrements that accompany English high tea . Impressionable being that I am, my stomach decided that it would not be satisfied until it had some scones of its own, and so I once again headed over to allrecipes.com for a quick and easy scone recipe.
They were actually quick and easy; I was pleasantly surprised. The only downside to the recipe I used was that I had to hand-grate an entire stick of butter. This was messy and, quite frankly, pointless.
ANYwho. Mum came home and we (her, myself, and sister) had our scones with tea (Scottish Breakfast and Earl Grey), blueberries, and cherries. Mum put lemon curd on her scones and put blueberries on top of the curd, a combination that she pronounced delicious. I still decline to eat anything called "curd".

Here is a picture with a teapot, just to prove that we did have tea and not just scones and that I didn't make any of this up.
Bis morgen!
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