Monday, June 21, 2010

Farewell, sweet memories of...who are you, again?

Several things happened today. My sister presented her senior project in the high school cafeteria, which is significant because 1) as her ride, I had to get up at 7:45, something which has only happened twice since returning home from college, and 2) it means she is this much closer to graduating! Which is fantastic! She's incredibly excited [edit: as I was typing the final paragraph, she called over from the family room, "44 hours!!!"]. The rest of the day was devoted to organizing items for my upcoming garage sale, which is where today's picture comes from. I forget what this horse's name is, but rest assured, he was one of my dearest childhood companions. Him and the other twenty-something toy horses my sister and I owned.

The rest of the day was pretty standard - sat in front of the computer until my eyelids seized up in protest, ate popcorn and followed it up with bread (that's healthy, right?), drank four cups of tea, etc. Dinner was delicious - mom made a fantastic salad with hard-boiled eggs and chicken and walnuts and homegrown lettuce (yuppp, homegrown lettuce. We have a garden and we grow lettuce, among other things).
So yes, today's picture is my tribute to the prostitution of my childhood memories, the selling of treasured stuffed animals and toys in exchange for mere pennies - pennies, it should be mentioned, that will be dumped into a coin-counting machine the second this garage sale is over and exchanged for monies for me to spend. Memories are sweet, but feeding myself next semester is much sweeter.

Bis morgen!

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